
Mr. Koerner to Mr. Seward.

No. 105.]

Sir:On yesterday I sent you a despatch (No. 104) giving an account of my interview with Mr. Pacheco concerning Peruvian affairs. In the evening Mr. P. was called upon in the senate for explanations, and I now enclose you his speech, from the Official Gazette, hoping that it will reach you the same time as my despatch of yesterday, since I send it direct, and not through our despatch agent at London.

The speech has several weak points. It shows clearly that the original cause of all this trouble, the Talambo affair, was really a very insufficient one for any sort of reclamation. The case was pending in the courts, and if it did proceed slowly, it was certainly according to Spanish custom. If Mr. Salcedo, upon whose plantation the row happened, has, by his influence, obstructed the course of justice, (which it may be hard to prove,) he has done no more than what is alleged to take place here almost every day.

* * * * * *

I am, sir, &c.,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, &c., &c., &c.