Papers Relating to Foreign Affairs, Accompanying the Annual Message of the President to the Second Session Thirty-eighth Congress, Part III
Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward
Sir: I herewith send you a printed translation of the “Convention concluded between France and Mexico, to regulate the conditions of the stay of the French troops in this last-named country for the purpose of establishing order and consolidating the new empire.”
The convention explains itself.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward Secretary of State, &c., &c., &c.
The Moniteur, in its official part, contains the text of the convention concluded between France and Mexico, to regulate the conditions of the stay of the French troops in this last-named country for the purpose of establishing order and consolidating the new empire. The convention runs thus:
The government of the Emperor of the French and that of the Emperor of Mexico, animated with an equal desire to secure the re-establishment of order in Mexico, and to consolidate the new empire, have resolved to regulate by a convention the conditions of the stay of the French troops in that country, and have named their plenipotentiaries to that effect, viz:
The Emperor of the French, M. Charles Herbst, minister plenipotentiary of the first class, councillor of state, director of the ministry of foreign affairs, grand officer of the legion of honor, &c;
And the Emperor of Mexico, M. Joaquin Velasquez de Leon, his minister of state without portfolio, grand officer of the distinguished order of our Lady of Guadalupe, &c.;
Who, after having communicated to each other their full powers, agreed on the following provisions:
Art. 1. The French troops at present in Mexico shall be reduced as soon as possible to a corps of 25,000 men, including the foreign legion. This corps, in order to safeguard the interests which led to the intervention, shall remain temporarily in Mexico, on the conditions laid down by the following articles:
Art. 2. The French troops shall evacuate Mexico, in proportion as the Emperor of Mexico shall be able to organize the troops necessary to replace them.
Art. 3. The foreign legion in the service of France, composed of 8,000 men, shall nevertheless remain in Mexico six years after all the other French troops shall have been recalled, in conformity with article 2. From that moment the said legion shall pass into the service and pay of the Mexican government, which reserves to itself the right of abridging the duration of the employment of the foreign legion in Mexico.
Art. 4. The points of the territory to be occupied by the French troops, as well as the military expeditions of the said troops, if there be any, shall be determined in common concord, directly between the Emperor of Mexico and the commandant-in-chief of the French corps.
Art. 5. On all the points where the garrison shall not be exclusively composed of Mexican troops, the military command shall devolve on the French commander. In case of expeditions combined of French and Mexican troops, the superior direction of those troops shall also belong to the French commander.
Art. 6. The French commander shall not interfere with any branch of the Mexican administration.
Art. 7. So long as the requirements of the French corps d’armée shall [Page 75] necessitate a tri-monthly service of transports between France and Vera Cruz, the expense of the said service fixed at the sum of 400,000 francs per voyage, (going and returning,) shall be paid by Mexico.
Art. 8. The naval stations which Prance maintains in the West Indies and in the Pacific ocean shall often send vessels to show the French flag in the ports of Mexico.
Art. 9. The expenses of the French expedition to Mexico, to be paid by the Mexican government, are fixed at the sum of 270 millions for the whole duration of the expedition down to the 1st July, 1864. That sum shall bear interest at the rate of 3 per cent. per annum. From the 1st July all the expenses of the Mexican army shall be at the charge of Mexico.
Art. 10. The indemnity to be paid to France by the Mexican government for the pay and maintenance of the troops of the corps d’armée after the 1st of July, 1864, remains fixed at the sum of 1,000 francs a year for each man.
Art. 11. The Mexican government shall hand over to the French government the sum of sixty-six millions in bonds of the loan, at the rate of issue; viz: fifty-four millions to be deducted from the debt mentioned in article 9, and twelve millions as an instalment of the indemnities due to Frenchmen in virtue of article 14 of the present convention.
Art. 12. For the payment of the surplus of the war expenses, and for acquitting the charges in articles 7, 10, and 14, the Mexican government engages to pay annually to France the sum of twenty-five millions in specie. That sum shall be imputed, first, to the sums due in virtue of articles 7 and 10; and secondly, to the amount, interest and principal, of the sum fixed in article 9; thirdly, to the indemnities which shall remain due to French subjects in virtue of article 14 and following.
Art. 13. The Mexican government shall pay, on the last day of every month, into the hands of the paymaster general of the army, what shall be due for covering the expenses of the French troops remaining in Mexico, in conformity with article 10.
Art. 14. The Mexican government engages to indemnify French subjects for the wrongs they have newly suffered, and which were the original cause of the expedition.
Art. 15. A mixed commission, composed of three Frenchmen and three Mexicans, appointed by their respective governments, shall meet at Mexico within three months, to examine and determine these claims.
Art. 16. A commission of revision, composed of two Frenchmen and two Mexicans, appointed in the same manner, sitting at Paris, shall proceed to the definite liquidation of the claims already admitted by the commission designated in the preceding article, and shall decide on those which have been received for its decision.
Art. 17. The French government shall set at liberty all the Mexican prisoners of war as soon as the Emperor of Mexico shall have entered his states.
Art. 18. The present convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications exchanged as early as possible.
Done at the castle of Miramar, this 10th day of April, 1864.