Mr. Dayton to Mr.
No. 384.]
December 11, 1863.
Sir: I have not written my usual despatches to
your department during the past week on account of a temporary illness,
which has confined me to my room; but I know of no change in the
condition of things here which has made my failure to communicate with
you a matter of much importance.
I have just received a letter from our consular agent at Calais in regard
to the Rappahannock, a translation of which I herewith enclose.
I think I have already stated to you that I have heretofore fully
pretested, both verbally and in writing, against any aid being rendered
to this vessel, and more particularly against any aid towards completing
her equipment.
Both the Florida and the Georgia are now ready to go to sea.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward
Secretary of State, &c., &c.,
[Page 6]
Mr. Vendroux to Mr. Dayton
Consular Agency of the United
Calais, December 10,
Monsieur le Ministre: I have the honor to
bring to your knowledge that there have arrived by the English
steamer Rainbow, doing the regular service between London and
Calais, 143 different packages—kitchen utensils, water casks,
cordage, sails, gallipots, detached pieces of machinery, signal
muskets, blankets, cloth for wearing apparel, and a screw—all
addressed to a gentleman, F. T. Normsay, stranger at Calais, and
these objects are destined for the confederate vessel
Nothing new has taken place in regard to this vessel.
Always at your orders, be pleased to accept, Monsieur le Ministre,
the assurance of the consideration of your obedient servant,
VENDROUX, Consular Agent of the United
Monsieur Dayton,
Minister of the United States, Paris.