Mr. Geofroy to Mr. Seward
Sir: Some months since a society was formed in the city of New Orleans, the object of which is to make enrolments and purchases of arms and ammunition destined for Mexico. This association, openly avowed and known under the name of club of the Defenders of the Monroe DoGtrine, D. M. D., has its regular meetings, duly announced by means of the newspapers, and employs all measures of propagandism for raising subscriptions and making proselytes. At its head are some Mexican refugees, and notably a Colonel de Borden; some number of federal officers also form part of it, and Governor Hahn himself, whose opinions are known, has been received as a member; already transmissions of arms and munitions have been directed toward the frontier of the Rio Grande, and I am assured, although I do not like to believe it, with the connivance of some of the authorities of the United States. It suffices me to point [Page 217] out such facts to your excelleney. I have too many evidences of the scrupulous care you take to cause the observance of the most exact neutrality in the affairs of Mexico, not to feel certain in advance that the government of the United States will take the most effective measures to repress them, and that it will, in an exemplary manner, deal severely with those of its agents who shall be convicted of having taken part in this.
I seize this occasion to renew to your excellency the assurances of my high consideration,
Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.