Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Geofroy

Sir: Your note of the 7th instant, on the subject of the arrest and imprisonment of Mr. Mansfield, United States consul at Tabasco, by the authorities there, has been received. In reply I have to express regret that the Emperor’s government should have regarded the sending of a United States ship-of-war to that quarter, for the sole purpose of inquiring into the transaction, as a minatory proceeding. It certainly was not so intended, but was deemed indispensable from the fact that, even in time of peace, intercourse with Tabasco is irregular, infrequent and indirect. It had become so much more so of late, that this department had not, and even to this time has not received any authentic information in regard to Mr. Mansfield’s offence, from either United States, Mexican, or French sources. Of course, no opinion can be formed upon the subject until such information shall have been furnished.

I will add, however, that in directing Mr. Dayton to apprise M. Drouyn de l’Huys that a vessel-of-war had, in point of fact, been despatched to Tabasco, this department inadvertently supposed that that step had been adopted. It has now been ascertained, however, that, at the time when the request for that purpose was made of the Navy Department it was not convenient, nor has it since beeen convenient, to comply with it. Probably, therefore, a report upon the subject may be received from the Emperor’s government before an inquiry in the form indicated can be made by the United States government.

Accept, sir, the renewed assurance of my high consideration.

F. W. SEWARD, Acting Secretary.

Mr. L. de Geofroy, &c., &c., &c.