
Mr. Geofroy to Mr. Seward

Sir: About the end of December and beginning of January last, two bands, the one of 200 men, the second of 500, detached from the troops which are under the command of General Banks in Texas, went from Brownsville and Brazos Santiago, invaded the Mexican territory by taking advantage of the disorder which reigned at Matamoras, and went and carried off a considerable number of bales of cotton deposited at Boca del Rio Bravo by merchants of Monterey, on the pretence that this merchandise belonged to Americans of the southern States. The government of his Majesty has charged me to call the most serious attention of your excellency to these violations of territory, which, connected with that which I have already had the honor to point out to you previously, would constitute a combination of facts of which I have no need to develop the importance. I therefore beg your excellency to have the goodness to give me on this subject some explanations, and I take this occasion to offer to you the assurance of my high consideration.


Hon. William H. Seward, &c, &c., &c.