Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton

No. 648.]

Sir: I give you for your information a copy of a despatch which has just been received from William H. Corwin, esq., our chargé d’affaires in Mexico. Later accounts than this despatch do not enable us to judge concerning the probable results of the military movements now going on in that republic. You will of course observe what Mr. Corwin relates of Dr. Gwin’s purposes in Sonora. It is not to be doubted that they are unfriendly to the United States. But I think I hazard little in saying that they forebode even more of inconvenience to whatever government may exist in Mexico than of ultimate harm to our own country.

It is hardly to be apprehended that the insurgents will come out of the present civil war with any great capacity for establishing slavery in Mexico. It may, however, be well for you to ascertain how far such schemes of his find support in the councils of the Emperor of France.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


William L. Dayton, Esq., &c., &c., &c.