Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton

No. 621.]

Sir: I have your despatch of the 13th of July, No. 510, which recalls the report of an intended new design on the part of the Emperor of the French to [Page 135] propose mediation in our civil war. I approve of the reticence you have practiced on the subject in your communication with M. Drouyn de l’Huys, and of the reasons you assign for that reserve. I have only to say upon the subject itself, that any such proceeding would meet with a prompt and decided answer from the United States. The principal of foreign mediation in our affairs cannot be, in any form or under any circumstances, admitted. You will make this explanation, or refrain from making it, in the exercise of your own discretion. But when you find it necessary to speak upon pretensions of mediation in any quarter, you will be expected to speak not doubtfully in the sense in which I have written.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


William L. Dayton, Esq., &c., &c., &c.