Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton
Sir: Publications which have recently been made at Paris have excited apprehensions that the rams which are building at Nantes under the direction of Mr. Arman, a member of Chamber of Deputies, are likely to receive armaments and go to sea to make war against the United States. Having heretofore submitted what was believed conclusive evidence, that the vessels were being built under a contract with rebel agents for this unlawful and piratical purpose, and for no other, and having received from time to time assurances from the imperial government that they would not be allowed to be used in executing this purpose, it is not without surprise as well as deep concern that we learn that the vessels have been launched, and that, without any known change of ownership or destination, they are being prepared for sea by French subjects in a port of the empire. It is confidently believed that either the statements to which I have referred are exaggerated, or else that the completion and preparation of the vessels for war against the United States are carried on fraudulently so as to escape the vigilance of the imperial government. Nevertheless the occasion is one of such serious import that I find myself obliged to ask you to suggest to M. Drouyn de l’Huys that the subject is deemed one which calls for serious attention and satisfactory explanation.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
William L. Dayton Esq., &c., &c., &c.