Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward

No. 463.]

Sir: I have the honor to enclose herewith a translation of a communication just received from the three Japanese ambassadors now travelling in Europe.

[Page 84]

It would seem that, through Mr. Pruyn, minister of the United States at Japan, the government of Japan has ordered the construction of a vessel-of-war in the United States. Its ambassadors are now desirous of knowing at what date the vessel will be completed, in order that, after having visited the United States, they may return in it to their country.

May I ask that you will, as soon as possible, furnish me with the necessary information.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward &c., &c., &c.


Japanese Ambassadors to Mr. Dayton

To His Excellency M. the Minister of the United States of America:

We have to communicate to you the following:

Some time since our government asked of the government of the United States, through the American minister in Japan, to construct a vessel-of-war.

As Japanese envoys travelling in the different countries with which we have concluded treaties, and consequently having also the intention of visiting yours, we have the project of making our return voyage on board of the said vessel-of-war if the construction of it is finished. It is on this account that we beg you to be pleased to ask of your government at what period this vessel will be constructed, and to send us the answer at the place where we may then be.

With respect and consideration.