Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward
Sir: Immediately upon the receipt of your despatch No. 525, I applied to M. Drouyn de l’Huys for a special interview, which was granted for Saturday last. I then said that I knew that the French government had felt some anxiety in respect to the resolution which had recently been passed by the House of Representatives in reference to Mexico, and inasmuch as I had just received a copy of that resolution, together with the views of the President of the United States, I begged, if agreeable, to read to him your despatch in reference to the latter. To this he assented, and, as the shortest and most satisfactory mode of following out my instructions, I read to him that entire portion of your despatch which applies to this subject, stating, at the same time, that I thought it was a remarkable illustration of the frankness and straight-forwardness of the President. When the reading was closed, M. Drouyn de l’Huys expressed his gratification, and after asking some questions in regard to the effect of laying a resolution upon the table in the Senate, the conversation terminated.
The extreme sensitiveness which was manifested by this government, when the resolution of the House of Representatives was first brought to its knowledge, has to a considerable extent subsided.
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I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward Secretary of State, &c., &c., &c.